Copy AIMsi for updates and backups

When to use this procedure

Follow the steps below to create a copy of your AIMsi software. You may need to do this if you are installing AIMsi updates or if this is your preferred backup method.

If you are following these steps as your AIMsi backup method, Tri-Tech recommends saving the copy to a flash drive or external hard drive and storing the backup offsite to prevent against fire or other unexpected damage or loss of your backups.

Important! Tri-Tech strongly recommends backing up your AIMsi system daily. If you do not use this method for backups, you may use a backup and recovery service, such as the one offered by Divinsa, to back up your software regularly and automatically.

Steps to complete

Complete the following steps from your AIMsi server.

Prerequisites: Everyone must be logged out of all copies of AIMsi and AIMsi must be closed.

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the location where AIMsi is installed. By default, this is C:\AIMsi.

Note: If you are unsure where AIMsi is installed, right-click on the desktop shortcut and view the shortcut properties.

  1. Right-click on the AIMsi folder and click Copy.

  1. Navigate to the location where you want to copy AIMsi. This may be a location on your computer, a flash drive, or an external hard drive, depending on your needs.
  2. Right-click on the location and click Paste.

  1. Once the copy is complete, open the copied AIMsi folder and double click aimsi.exe to open AIMsi. If it opens, you have successfully created a current, working backup copy.